Caring Staff

We strive to develop a personal relationship with each resident and family we serve.

Work with us

Employment opportunities are available at The Homestead. Apply Now

Welcome to
The Homestead

Assisted Living

Our goal is to provide for more than just physical needs for our long-term care residents - we also strive to develop a personal relationship with each resident and family that we serve.

Office Hours: 8am-5pm Daily  (979) 725-8669

Visitation Hours: Resident Preference

Facility Staff
We are changing the way you think about long-term care.
We're glad you're here!


It's a great day at The Homestead! Please take some time to explore our new website.

Specialized Services & Care

We're Here to Help

We assist with medications, monthly medication reviews, and weekly housekeeping. Learn more

Reach Out to Your Loved One

Family MailTM

Write a message for your loved one at The Homestead and we will personally deliver it to them.

Quality Care

We offer professional long-term care services.

Caring Services

Specialized services and assistance are available to residents at The Homestead.

Updated Facility

Residents and their guests can enjoy our recently-renovated facility.

Flexible Visitation Hours

Visitation hours are by resident preference. Office hours are 8am to 5pm daily.

Quality Care

Therapy Services

Physical, occupational & speech therapy are offered from outside resources.

Resident Assistance

We assist with medications and reviews as well as weekly housekeeping.


The Homestead is a private-pay only facility.

Our Facility

Video Tour

Take a tour of The Homestead Assisted Living facility.

The Homestead Assisted Living

Available assisted living services include:

Specialized skin and wound care

Physical, occupational, and speech therapy services

Pain management

Intravenous therapy

Pulmonary services and rehabilitation

Intravenous therapy

Medication assistance

Monthly medication review

Weekly housekeeping

Our Facility

The Homestead Assisted Living


Living Area

Living Area

Living Area

Living Area

Living Area

Living Area

Dining Area

Dining Area



Resident Rooms

Resident Rooms

Resident Rooms

Resident Rooms

Family & Resident Testimonials

May each and everyone of you that had any sort of connection with my brother be truly and abundantly blessed. He spoke very highly of ya'll & appreciated the friendship & love that you gave him. You far exceeded our expectations and we so appreciate the wonderful care & attention that you gave him. With Love & Gratitude

Debra & Family

Thank you so much for all your care for Jo these past 16 months. Thank you for being so kind to Daddy. Candy, thank you so much for all your help with the paperwork and "business part". You are a special group of people and we wish you all the best. May God Bless you as you care for the patients at the Center.

Bob, Dana, & Gary

Thank you all so much for all you have done for me while I was here. When I came here, I needed so much help and everybody helped any way they could. You all wear a smile and I am so glad I met and got to know each and everyone. God Bless You All.


Words can't say what our hearts feel. Every kind word, each gentle touch, your time and tender care are much appreciated. You made Mom laugh and you took care of her every need. Thank you for the beautiful White Azalea and for helping us to be able to stay with Mom, by making it possible to spend our last hours by her side in a peaceful warm environment.

Clifford, Wanda & The Family

Thanks to all of the staff for all of your work in making the "Residents/Family" Thanksgiving Dinner so special for us. It was a wonderful meal and we enjoyed our time together as a family. Your thoughtfulness is truly appreciated.

Toni, Robert & James

Our Location

302 Youens Drive, Weimar, TX 78962